Saturday, November 10, 2012

In Gratitude or...Ingratitude?

To give thanks! Be thankful! Giving thanks is an acknowledgement of a gift, a favor, service or courtesy. To be thankful is to convey feelings of gratitude.

It is interesting that we have to be trained to say “thank you”. My grandchildren are between the ages of 10 and 3. All of them are being taught to say “thank you” when receiving any sort of gift. Whether it is a birthday present, a trip to the park or a bite of a cookie, big or small, they're expected respond with gratitude.

Thanksgiving opens the doors. It changes a child's personality. A child is resentful, negative—or thankful. Thankful children want to give, they radiate happiness, they draw people.”-Sir John Templeton

We are not born altruistic, quite the opposite, we are born selfish. A newborn baby cries for several reasons, but all of them revolve around a need to please. I don’t like being hungry, feed me. I don’t like having a wet diaper, change me. I don’t like lying down, pick me up. I don’t like being alone, stay near to me, I don’t like being cold, cover me...etc. Once they are warm, satisfied and comfy, they express their gratitude with a coo or smile. This of course, melts our hearts. However, the contentment is brief. Soon the process of “please me” begins again, this is the “pleasure” vs. “pain” cycle. We have to be trained out of the infantile stage of “please me, or else”....I will cry, whine or throw a fit!

The Wahoo vs. the woe...
Are we satisfied with the little things? “Some complain that roses have thorns—others rejoice that thorns have roses!” Are we overwhelmed with the essence of life, or burdened by life? Do we respond with lasting appreciation, or with a selfish attitude? The words come out of the mouth,“thank you”, but there is no real contentment behind them. Are we asking what’s for dinner, while eating lunch? Gorging on momentary delights, unsatisfied, looking for the next mouthful? 
“The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!”
- Henry Ward Beecher

May we sweep through our day and discover every blessing... and give sincere thanks. Wahoo!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Nation Exposed

I am currently working on my second book entitled: “Exposed!”

Therefore, my focus is centered on reactions to exposure. Today, I awoke to the aftermath of our 2012 National Presidential Election. A nation completely exposed. Social media has become a nasty forum of erupting and spewing opinions. Public opinion is expressing irrational thought, which I can only conclude as a state of fear. Why fear? Nothing has changed since yesterday? However, vulnerability is showing and all the world is watching.

Our nation is divided, it is a foregone conclusion. The national map looks like a checkerboard of red verses blue; the “us versus them” game of wits. The political arena has master players of the” blame game”. How long can it stand with the continual game of “tug- of- war” being played, is yet to be determined.

Once again we have the choice; we can choose how we will react to the elements of exposure. Run, hide, cover up or seek out the best. The “Wahoo or the woe” mentality. I choose the Wahoo!

Today,I am putting aside my politcal beliefs and disappointments. Today is fresh and new! I am celebrating- the election is over! Wahoo! No more debates- Wahoo! The end of election graffti: No more ads, commericals or the endless sea of election signs littering every corner! Wahoo!

I live, breathe and have my being in the best nation in the world. I have freedom to “be”! I am thankful to "be" an American. Wahoo!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

So thankful...

So thankful, there is peace
in the midst of my storms.

So thankful, there is hope
when I am full of doubt.

So thankful, there is security abiding with the unknown.

So thankful for the breath I can take.

So thankful for the touch I feel.

So thankful, I can hear joy in every cry, every whisper, every giggle, every crash, and within the thunder.

So thankful, I can see the wind blow among the trees, the glimmer of mischief in the eyes of a child, and strength in my husband’s smile.

So thankful for my children, my most precious and priceless gifts, within them my world revolves.
They have spun me around and around...
lifted me off the ground.
Causing at times my life to be a blur...
They have taken me places I would have never gone, They have given me views I would have never seen...
They have touched my heart,
bestowing on me an aching calm, a serene surrender and a warring hope.

So thankful for dreams that are unfolding,

So thankful for life’s daily pursuits,

So thankful for the steps I have taken,

So thankful for the path behind me,

So thankful for pains and for pleasures,

So thankful for lies ahead,

So thankful that today’s sunset is tomorrow’s sunrise.

So thankful ... So thankful.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thanksgiving Showdown: "Wahoos vs. Woes" Part Two

Thanksgiving vs. Discontentment
I am what I am!
 "Gratitude consists of being more aware of what you have, than what you don’t." –Unknown

Are we discontented because we are trying to be someone else? I believe that we are caught up in an age of competition. We look at others and desire what they have. Their looks, their position, their money, their house, their aptitude, etc... Jealousy breeds discontentment.

Jealousy is definitely a “woe”. Not a Wahoo!

“The grass is always greener on the other side” idea is a deceptive perception. We cannot know what lies inside the person whose grass seems to be greener. Each of us has our own personal talents and abilities. Residing within those endowments are individual challenges as well.

Each of us has been given gifts, which are special and unique. We are individuals living among other individuals with specialized gifts. We should stop striving be someone we are not, and concentrate on being the best we can be. Take a moment and look inside... there is purpose and potential living inside of you!

Gifts are most assuredly a Wahoo! Not a “woe”.

Therefore, let us celebrate our uniqueness.
And be thankful to be “who I am”!

“There is no one alive who is Youer than You." Dr.Seuss

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thanksgiving vs. Discontentment
Almost everywhere I look, around every bend in the road, displayed on face after face - discontentment. Eyes full of sadness. Frowns followed by forced smiles. Wrinkled brows of worry. Jaws clenched with anguish. Expressions devoid of happiness. Has negativity(the woes) won over?

I am wondering have we forgotten how to see goodness? Are we no longer thankful for life’s small blessings? Sometimes life is difficult...ok, a lot of the time. But, everyday is new; full of life's simple and profound pleasures. If we seek for good, we will find it.

Too many people are living life with blinders on. I don’t think they would recognize a blessing even if it jumped out, did a dance, and yelled, “Here I am a blessing, look at me, look at me! Wahoo!”

Encouraging others is one of the best blessings of my life! However, it seems no matter how much the good in life is pointed out, it simply isn’t good enough! The goodness of the “today” is overshadowed with the unseen worry of tomorrow. It is a battle not to jump on the bandwagon of discontentment. Fault-finders are everywhere, boldly shouting and pointing out what's wrong with life, ugh!

If we cannot celebrate in the small benefits of life, can we truly celebrate the monumental blessings? Contentment is a choice.....Don’t worry! Be happy!

During the month of November, I will be posting thanksgiving stories. I challenge each of us, to daily find something to celebrate and do so with a heart full of gratitude. The Wahoos vs. the woes.

I invite you to leave your daily blessings on my blog site; I would love to join your Thanksgiving celebration.
Happy Thanksgiving....