Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Nation Exposed

I am currently working on my second book entitled: “Exposed!”

Therefore, my focus is centered on reactions to exposure. Today, I awoke to the aftermath of our 2012 National Presidential Election. A nation completely exposed. Social media has become a nasty forum of erupting and spewing opinions. Public opinion is expressing irrational thought, which I can only conclude as a state of fear. Why fear? Nothing has changed since yesterday? However, vulnerability is showing and all the world is watching.

Our nation is divided, it is a foregone conclusion. The national map looks like a checkerboard of red verses blue; the “us versus them” game of wits. The political arena has master players of the” blame game”. How long can it stand with the continual game of “tug- of- war” being played, is yet to be determined.

Once again we have the choice; we can choose how we will react to the elements of exposure. Run, hide, cover up or seek out the best. The “Wahoo or the woe” mentality. I choose the Wahoo!

Today,I am putting aside my politcal beliefs and disappointments. Today is fresh and new! I am celebrating- the election is over! Wahoo! No more debates- Wahoo! The end of election graffti: No more ads, commericals or the endless sea of election signs littering every corner! Wahoo!

I live, breathe and have my being in the best nation in the world. I have freedom to “be”! I am thankful to "be" an American. Wahoo!

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