‘Twas the night before Christmas...
ok, maybe I should back up a little.
‘Twas the day before Christmas,
the dawning morning of the anticipated Eve.
The most celebrated time of the year, I believe.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.
The halls were all decked, red and green everywhere.
However, scurrying and hurrying were hovering in the air.
With the sun shining bright,
the kids were now waking.
Turning on the TV,
starting the day off right,
Ok, Alright! No lies, no faking!
More than likely a fight was soon to be breaking.
"Give me the remote!", "Mom, who ate all the cereal?"
Oh yes, what a glorious delight!
Dodging this blight,
my husband took flight.
With one more gift to shop for
he was up and out the door.
His destination - the Mall
the hustle and bustle - people galore
A last minute shopping free-for-all!
I too, was up and rustling about,
being my usual busy bee.
Yet, sensing something different
stirring within me.
While doing my chores,
I felt a slight twinge.
Vacuuming, dusting, mopping the floors
I tried so hard not to cringe,
I knew in that instant
what was happening, you see.
'Twas the day before Christmas
the day we had been waiting for.
My children count would change
from three to soon four....
From the very beginning, I knew I was bearing a Christmas child. When the doctor predicted December 9th as my due date, I boldly proclaimed, “Don’t go anywhere Christmas!“ Having a Christmas child changed my whole perspective of Christmas.
Prior to her birth, I had become a rather good imitation of Scrooge, “bah-humbug!” Oh, I was not stingy or uncaring, the season was diluted, it had simply lost its pleasure and appeal. I grudgingly went through the motions, trying to make the best of it. The pressure of shopping (I hate shopping), was overwhelming. Loo
the dawning morning of the anticipated Eve.
The most celebrated time of the year, I believe.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.
The halls were all decked, red and green everywhere.
However, scurrying and hurrying were hovering in the air.
With the sun shining bright,
the kids were now waking.
Turning on the TV,
starting the day off right,
Ok, Alright! No lies, no faking!
More than likely a fight was soon to be breaking.
"Give me the remote!", "Mom, who ate all the cereal?"
Oh yes, what a glorious delight!
Dodging this blight,
my husband took flight.
With one more gift to shop for
he was up and out the door.
His destination - the Mall
the hustle and bustle - people galore
A last minute shopping free-for-all!
I too, was up and rustling about,
being my usual busy bee.
Yet, sensing something different
stirring within me.
While doing my chores,
I felt a slight twinge.
Vacuuming, dusting, mopping the floors
I tried so hard not to cringe,
I knew in that instant
what was happening, you see.
'Twas the day before Christmas
the day we had been waiting for.
My children count would change
from three to soon four....
From the very beginning, I knew I was bearing a Christmas child. When the doctor predicted December 9th as my due date, I boldly proclaimed, “Don’t go anywhere Christmas!“ Having a Christmas child changed my whole perspective of Christmas.
Prior to her birth, I had become a rather good imitation of Scrooge, “bah-humbug!” Oh, I was not stingy or uncaring, the season was diluted, it had simply lost its pleasure and appeal. I grudgingly went through the motions, trying to make the best of it. The pressure of shopping (I hate shopping), was overwhelming. Loo
king for that perfect gift that sums up how much you care, (is that possible?), or worse, attempting to top the present from the previous year. Year after year, my husband and I would celebrate our anniversary, December 19th, with dinner and shopping at Toys R Us into the wee hours of the morning. (Thank goodness for holiday hours) Have you ever tried shopping in a dress and heels, looking for the perfect baby doll? Then the topper of the season, attending all the holiday parties and seasonal affairs, donned with a smile and holiday cheer!
To be continued...
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